Database Management System
Module 1 Introduction
Notes PPT
Relational Algebra Notes PPT
3ia Important question
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8 retrieve the name of student having second alphabet of their names is ‘a’
9 retrieve the salary of all employee
10 for each dept retrieve the dept no, the no of employee in the dept & their avg salary
11)Retrieve the name of employee whose salary is greater than the salary of all employee in dept 2
12 Retrieve the name of each employee who has dependent with sam first name & same gender as the
13Make a list of all project nos for project that involves an employee whose last name is john either
as a worker or as a manager of the dept that control the project
14 list the names of book in descending order according to their author which are published by ‘Tata’
Module 1 Introduction
Notes PPT
Relational Algebra Notes PPT
3ia Important question
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Normal form 1NF, 2NF, 3NF
Assessment 1
1 Explain DBMS advantage, disadvantage, characteristics
2. explain database user, DA, DBA
3. Explain 3 schema architecture
4. explain components environment f DBMS (refer data model link)
5. Explain types of key
6Explain types of attribute
7. Draw Er diagram for company database
8. Explain create and insert command with an examples
assignment 2
1 explain the following
order by groupby having between clauses
2 explain 1nf 2nf 3nf
3 explain sub query for insert update delete select
4 explain types of join
5 explain aggregate function
6 explain views and stored procedures
7 Retrieve birth day & address of the employee whose name is ROHIT8 retrieve the name of student having second alphabet of their names is ‘a’
9 retrieve the salary of all employee
10 for each dept retrieve the dept no, the no of employee in the dept & their avg salary
11)Retrieve the name of employee whose salary is greater than the salary of all employee in dept 2
12 Retrieve the name of each employee who has dependent with sam first name & same gender as the
13Make a list of all project nos for project that involves an employee whose last name is john either
as a worker or as a manager of the dept that control the project
14 list the names of book in descending order according to their author which are published by ‘Tata’